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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Fathers... Fathers are more important then they will ever know. Some people think getting someone pregnant is all it takes to become a father, those people are wrong. To be a father you need, understanding, love, compassion, respect and above all the ability to be there for your kids. Most of my friends come from single parent homes or have step fathers, this is always a touch subject but just because your father might not be around it doesn't mean he doesn't love you or he doesn't care. So call and say happy fathers day. In all honesty I have no idea what it feels like to have a real father, because my dad abandoned us when I was 7 and my step father is abusive, doesn't care about me and doesn't talk to me unless its to tell me how stupid I am while everybody's back is turned. However I know many people who have good fathers and I know many good fathers in general, Fathers who will call your friends over while taking a drink just to say hi, fathers who give you advice with out even knowing whats wrong, fathers who care about their daughters, fathers who care about their sons, fathers who care about their step-children, guardians who watch over children they didn't create on their own but love molding them into good people, fathers who care about their nephews, nieces and neigbours. There are people who don't have fathers anymore and my heart goes out to them. Good dads make the world go round. I really don't know what I'm doing here I just wanted to make a tribute to good dads they deserve a day to be treated right.

I have never seen a better father in any show then uncle Iroh. He took in his nephew when no one else would treated him like his own son and showed him how to be a man, even though his son died.

Awesome dad alert!! Plus he has that Santa Claus beard!!! Robin Williams has won!

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