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Friday, December 24, 2010

Music, Love and Breakfast

This is me saying some of stuff that matters to me, and today it’s actually 3 simply not simple topics which are Music, Love and Breakfast.  First a short bio from my dear friend Wikipedia then what I think about the topic; 

(Music is the arrangement of patterns that identify and output various harmonics.)  Now to me music has always been very important not for entertainment but for inspiration.  I like all types of music from Dance Hall to Japanese Pop, Hip Hop to Hard Core German Rock once a track has a good flow of sound I can listen and understand it, now I am not multi-lingual so for some songs only to a point. But I brought up this topic because this morning I heard a song called For You by Azu (japanese), and it made my heart pump faster the first time I told a girl I loved her but I'm rambling on.  What I'm trying to say is, I love music whether it is slow, fast, soft or loud and the videos with them add to my emotion and break down barriers within the mind, I was able to fully accept gay people because of the video for Fireworks by Katy Perry.  I am not a musician, I am not a DJ, the most I do is whistle I just heard a song in a language I didn't understand and liked it so much it made me write all this.  So if you could pick one song what would your favorite song be or just say a bunch of them it’s all good.
(Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.[1] in philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.)  Is to tricky a subject for me to hit a tackle attack, all I can say is that love is an emotion that allows people to do the stupidest of things all just to express how they feel only because in the end they hope to get the gesture of a truly stupid acts in return all for the sake of love.  I love, love and if I die young I know all my friends and family are well aware of my love for them but there are often women who I like deeply because of their personality or their looks most times both, who I would never confess my love for only because society says its uncool so to make sure I'm liked I keep my feelings in check in the hopes that one day the love can be shown time and time again.  Now I don't know who else does this I assume everybody but these are all different kinds of love and different ways to understand love among the hundreds of other ways, some people send  tiny hints, some play hard to get, some find a way to make an awkward moment cute and some never have to say a word.  What kind are you?
(Breakfast is the first meal of the day, typically consumed in the morning.)  I woke up this morning not knowing what I wanted for breakfast so I just left the house hungry because I realized after trying to figure out what I wanted to eat for 30 minutes I was late for work.  So what’s your favorite breakfast?

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