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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Generation Y - The Cure (part 3 of 3)

Heyyy yes yes I know I took extremely long to bring out the 3rd part of my critically acclaimed action movie but enough of that this is something I made to counter a couple claims made by my friend on his blog you should check it out after you ate a sandwich of course. Well if you read my other 2 post about this matter you would see I talked about "The Problem" between generation Y (people born in the 80's) and Generation X (people born in the 90's) then in my second post "The Cause" I shared what I thought the cause of all these problemes were and now were onto my final attempt at peace "The Cure" where I will try to share how to fix the problems we face now for future generations to reep the benifits of my work (if anyone cares of course -_-).  Now you see the way to fix all of the problems with the youth and all the problem with the old is to give more then just a shit about eachother and show you care in a less sarcastic and more productive way but to be honest older people you should know that younger are stupid and its not our fault (now I'm not saying this because I'm turning 20 soon) because we're young we want to make our own stupid mistakes so if you care you can care just don't hang over someone's shoulder saying 'tisk tisk tisk' waiting for them to fail this is a message from my generation to the next and the one after that we need to be better then our older counterparts because there is literally no helping them now they are to scared by our horrible ways to change its like this if we do better for the next generation then the next generation will do better for the generation after them. I'll give you a situation; there is a family and this family has a tridition where you get a punch on your arm from your older family memeber, but everybody hates the tradition however because its tradition you can't stop it but you can give the generation under your generation a softer punch each time so they will give the next geration a softer punch and so on and so forth till nobody can feel the anger and pain that comes with generations and generations of punches to the arm.  So what I'm trying to say if you haven't gotten it yet is that we need to be nicer, we need to be better, we need to be more supportive and trusting. Its not as hard as it seems if anybody can help in anyway let me know so I can you know add and fix stuff and if you want you can look up my other 2 post about generation Y. Thanks for reading this entire blast of information it didn't take long to write I just didn't have insperation for a while -_-

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