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Friday, February 11, 2011

D story of Valentines Day (by nate)

It all started very very very long ago. There was a dictator named St. Valentine he was also the Governor and a very powerful man indeed. So every year on his birthday he would go out and rape women all over the land he govern when he was finished he would leave a red rose next to their body as his trademark and no one not even the police could stop him. One year he did a despicable act and raped a baby named Cupid and that baby grew to hate St. Valentine with all his heart. His father thought him how to use a bow and arrow as he got older his skills sharpened and on the birthday of that awful Tyrant Cupid did a deed most befitting St. Valentine as he gave his mid day announcements declaring the upcoming rapes for the day, Cupid shot a red arrow into St. Valentines heart killing him. Cupid then announced that valentines day will now be a day of love and giving no longer for distortion and rape from a dirty old Dictator. So the people made Cupid and his bow and arrow the symbol of love and drew him as he was a baby for there is nothing more innocent.

I swear to god this is fictional I was getting ready for work and just started typing (I got to work late because of it actually) this all the random act of a scatter brain. I hope it entertained you.