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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

An Ode to Tysha

I have a best friend, she's a really great friend and I can't imagine life without her in it (I dare say I'm lucky). She's awkward, loves Naruto and always makes me laugh those are qualities you can't find in just some random person. She's a super creative chick who can draw the most awesome pieces of anime related art.  When she was around age 14 she drew her own manga a spin off from Naruto where she was Sasuke's daughter Raiga and it was epic each of her friends were given a character in her story to call her own this was what she did when she wasn't studying, playing football or idolizing Mel B (Scary Spice of the Spice Girls).  Tysha and I met about 5 years ago in a DVD store in town it was kinda weird at 1st but she was inside of an anime store so I kinda figured she couldn't be all that bad I walked her to her stand right before she got into a maxi to go home I asked her for her number (I got it) and now the rest is history. When I have a problem she's often to wrapped up in her own thoughts to help but that doesn't mean she won't try and fail (like she always does) but as my friend the fact that she tries is enough for me,enough to make me happy, enough to make feel the need to always be there for her and support her in whatever she does once its right for her.  She has a slight problem though, you see she hates literally every girl that I've ever been with its kinda strange but all she say is that there is something about them she doesn't like I told her she's crazy and she always agrees with me then we change the subject lol.  We have had rough times about as many as I can count on my fingers like all good friends have but the fun times are far to frequent to count and luckily the fun times outweigh the bad when it applies to us.  We can effortlessly communicate now and have risen to heights only a few people get to reach in a life time I trust her and will always protect her not because she needs protection but because I what I desire is to keep my best friend safe and happy, to remind her no matter how heavy life gets on top of her I'll be there to help lift it with her.  I'm here saying this is my ode to my best friend Tysha's who's awesome to say the least I hope you enjoyed this post, finding out about my friend/s, finding out that I'm a big softy and finding out once you get to know me you could end up getting an ode to.

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